TL; RD: Elon Musk has recommended Signal as an alternative to WhatsApp after the update of the terms and conditions under which WhatsApp intends to have more access to its users’ information. Signal is much more private and secure. Here are all the features that make Signal better and also, other apps that will help you to have more privacy in the cloud like Internxt or in your email like Tutanota.
Two words: “Use Signal”. Short message, huge impact. Those words were the only ones needed by Elon Musk to make Signal’s actions rise by 6600% and thanks to this tweet more than 100,000 new users have registered. But what is Signal? Signal is the open source mobile messaging application that respects and protect your privacy.
If you are a Whatsapp user you will probably have already received a notification to accept the new terms and conditions that will take effect from February 8th. And you only have one option: to accept them. Because if you don’t, Whatsapp will accept them for you on the 8th. Thank you very much for letting us decide, Whatsapp! (irony). As always, these terms mean a loss of privacy for us while the Big Trio (Facebook, Whatsapp and Instagram) make profit at the expense of our data.
That’s why when Elon Musk published his Tweet advising Signal people didn’t hesitate and started using this app. No wonders why. Here I leave you the most important features (or pros) of Signal:
This means that all messages are encrypted and only you and the receiver of the message can access to it. No third party, not even Signal, will be able to access your messages or files. This type of encryption became so popular that even WhatsApp decided to “implement it”. Telegram, for example, only uses end-to-end encryption when you open a private conversation.
With Signal, privacy is not an option, it is a priority so all conversations are encrypted and totally private.
One of the most distinctive features of the app is the open source. This differentiates Signal from Whatsapp, since with the second one you can’t check that the messages are really encrypted while with Signal you can see that the messages are encrypted and therefore we know that this app really guarantees our privacy. One point for Signal!
My advice is to always use platforms that are open-source as they are the really reliable ones and the ones that deliver what they promise. It doesn’t make any sense that a platform that ensures that it protects our privacy doesn’t have open-source. That probably means that they are hiding something from us…(Hi WhatsApp, I’m talking about you)
If this still doesn’t sound like enough (which I doubt) Signal will ask you for a PIN code that you will create . With this code you will be able to log in from any device and it will allow you to keep your information and conversations private. No one would be able to access them, not even Signal.
Also, you can make that the application locks itself when you’re not using it. In order to unlock it you would have to enter the code or through facial recognition.
Another important feature is the self-destructuct messages, which allows you to set a time to view the message and after this time they would be destroyed (from 5 secs to one week, similar to the Telegram format).
It’s very easy to use so you don’t have to worry about making the switch to Signal. If you know how to use Whatsapp or Telegram you won’t have any problem when using this much more private option, as it is really simple and intuitive.
In addition to not profiting from our information, they don’t put ads either so the user experience is really good.
In case you had any doubts, Signal is a non-profit organization, therefore obtaining our information and selling it is not among their objectives
It’s time to start valuing your privacy and start using platforms that are truly secure. The messaging option is already covered, so you should try a decentralized cloud storage that also uses end-to-end encryption and is open source like Internxt or Tutonota. With Internxt all your files and documents will be really secure and you will be the only owner of your information and the same will happen with your emails if you use Tutanota.
So don’t hesitate and choose really safe options! Have you tried Signal yet? Do you like it? Do you value privacy?